Make Him Great: Unlock Greatness through Service | Inspiring Life Story

This is my life story…
That day was like none I had ever seen before. I almost caused four workers to loose their jobs. They were nearly ready to harm or kill me if they could because my discovery was damaging to their careers and their families would soon be out into serious hunger
The company in Ibadan had lost several millions of Naira, as Nestle being their best and largest consuming buyer of cocoa powder had been rejecting their products for close to two months due to very high FFA(Free Fatty Acids) Content
and all traces to detect the source had been futile. The Quality Control Unit couldn’t be blamed and the production unit won’t take the blame.
You know, oftentimes, we’re trapped in the race for success, wrapped up in the mindset of competition and entrenched deeply in the desires for greatness that we seek for methods, and pathways men have passed, we pay hugely to know what works hence hoping to apply such, to achieve the results we crave, but not obey the laws of success.
A man wants to be rich but sounds like they know it all, another wants a great job and and career but never does the extra.
Let it be known to you today, that the universe itself is made up of, or wrapped up In principles. There are laws and principles that govern life.
My father and mentor taught me that one of the laws of life is; “Your greatness is in another man’s greatness”
Scripturally, it is well established that seeking your own things alone, makes you limited, and seeking and taking care of other people’s things, bring you greater portions than you could have ever attained on your own.
Wherever you find your self, the attitude you sustain will determine the results you will get, and whatever you become while you’re there, whether poor or rich, daft or wise, loved it hated, is a product of your choice.
Service isn’t slavery, service is a contribution to another’s greatness which in turns brings you mastery for your own life.
Why not have a servitude attitude?
It is great for you to look for a place to serve, and build there as though your life depends on it, yes you will have dissipated energy but you would have been made formidable.
This was my IT placement and I had just the mindset to serve. And so I paid very keen attention to all processes.
I became extremely involved, to the extent that the workers became lazy. They’ll leave 7 machines meant to be handled by 5 People to me alone on the production floor.
But I was happy. I did it wholeheartedly. This was my company. I was paid just 7,000 when my mates elsewhere were having 15,000, 20,000 etc, but I wasn’t moved, in fact, money was nothing…
It was on one of those days, I spotted an error. The cocoa beans which were supposed to be roasted at 120C were being done at 90C.
So the beans were undone. I asked the original operators and they told me that’s how they’ve been doing it, as a component of the machine had been faulty.
Lo and behold, they never reported it. Out of my curiosity, I called on the Quality Control Manager, who came in as this became a serious matter.
I had just revealed the reason why millions of Naira products had been rejected.
Those people never saw the job as though it was theirs, it never concerned them how the place was doing.
But I was making the company better and I learnt a great deal. 8 years down the line, that Quality Control Manager was willing to help my own food company with his over 15 years of experience and all his network.
Many of those workers are on the streets of Ibadan. Last time I saw one, late 2017, he was now an untrained quack vet doctor
Listen to me!!!
If You’re working in a company and not putting your best, or you’re not trying to know how it works and make the company better, you’re likely blocking some path to greatness.
If you don’t handle another man’s business well, you might not handle yours well.
When you find yourself in a group, you just stay silent and assume the role of chief receiver, listen, you are also setting your own limit.
Teachers will tell you, that whatever subject you teach, you know it the more.
So you if you don’t add value to anyone, never help others, no problems!
If you’re they type that… It doesn’t concern you, those other persons who can’t break out of their challenges, no problems, you’ve set Your limit.
Don’t you know by now, that no man can use you, in the place of service?.
And that the more a man tries to use you, the better you will become as they’ll ask you to do things they’ll never do, but are core, and you will learn things that can make you replicate and re-invent?
Listen, please!!!
Giving Increases you, and Service Makes you.
The ultimate goal of being a part of anything is to partake, but In-depth partaking comes on the platter of participation.
It is what you help grow or help manage with your heart that you can replicate profitably.
Knowledge comes by being a part, wisdom comes by participating effectively.
You can get knowledge from a wise man by listening to him, but you’ll get access to what made him wise, his sources when he shows you while participating with him!
Knowledge is awesome, but wisdom is far greater.
Working under a man can make you have knowledge, working with the man gets you wisdom.
Knowledge often gets lost, but wisdom rarely does as it’s a part of you.
Observation can make you Identify problems, participation is what gives you practical insight.
Choosing the role of an observer never gets you recommendation, voluntarily participating and helping out is what births nominations and supports for you.
Knowledge can get you to places, wisdom is what sustains you there.
knowledge can make you rise, wisdom is what makes you great.
To get wisdom for greatness, it is found in the application, in consciously serving, in making others great.
I’ll rather have a pool of wisdom than have a river of knowledge.
So, That helpless Boy, make him Great, that man that is aspiring for a great dream, though you’re lower, make him Great.
You’re thinking of succeeding in your own things with little or no failures?, find a place to make another man great.
You’ll need help and network in the future? make a man great right now.
In relationships, in your business, in your spiritual life, in your groups, your online endeavors
Find a man, and make him Great.
For within such, lies Your Own greatness.
Who are you making great?
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Co-founder / Chief Executive Officer at Tribinnov Africa, Product Lead at Classiver and Team Lead at SalesPlat. Studied B.Eng. Agricultural Engineering at Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria