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Embrace the Future with the MDIA AI Applied Grant 2023

Embrace the Future with the MDIA AI Applied Grant 2023
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Are you considering the integration of AI solutions into your operations? The time to seize this opportunity is now. The Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA) has just announced a game-changing initiative. Discover the details below to learn how you can be a part of this transformative journey.

Introduction Applications are now open for the AI Applied Research Grant, presented by MDIA. If your goal is to push the boundaries in the fields of AI and IoT, then this opportunity is tailor-made for you. Created to drive the adoption of cutting-edge technological solutions, this grant aims to elevate both the public and private sectors, enhancing efficiency, transparency, and community engagement.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2023

Why Choose This Grant? MDIA assumes the vital role of directing public funds to stimulate and bolster AI research. This grant directly aligns with the objectives of the Malta AI Strategy, which envisions:

Disseminating knowledge about the transformative potential of AI and IoT. Amplifying research and development efforts in the realms of AI and IoT. Fostering reciprocal growth and knowledge exchange between academic research institutions and industry leaders. Highlighting the multifaceted benefits that AI and IoT can bring to government and business operations. Key Focus Areas Encouraging collaboration among AI researchers, startups, and established corporations. Enhancing AI research capabilities within universities, fostering synergy between academia and the global business community. Elevating Malta’s standing on the Government AI Readiness Index by Oxford Insights. Strengthening AI research capacities will streamline the integration of AI into public service functions. Note: Priority will be given to proposals that target specific projects outlined in the Malta AI Strategy. Examples include AI’s role in traffic management, AI’s impact on education, integration of AI in healthcare, AI-driven customer service solutions, harnessing AI in tourism, and the potential of AI in improving utility services.

Core Objectives This grant is centered on enhancing Malta’s expertise in AI and IoT research. The goals include:

Elevating AI and/or IoT research capabilities across the nation. Promoting larger investments in AI and IoT research and development endeavors. Expanding the adoption of AI and IoT technologies across various sectors. Strengthening the collaboration between academia and businesses.

Grant Details Total Allocation: €120,000

Maximum Grant per Project: €40,000

Aid Intensity: Full financial support (100%)

Who’s Eligible to Apply?

Eligibility Criteria Local Research Institutions (RIs) are eligible to apply, regardless of their commercial involvement. If an RI holds less than 50% public ownership, they must demonstrate a partnership with an entity with over 50% public ownership, such as government units or boards, aligned with the project’s objectives. MDIA reserves the right to decline applications that duplicate earlier approved proposals. Ineligibility Entities engaged in illegal economic activities. Organizations with minimal economic and physical presence in Malta. For a comprehensive understanding, feel free to explore MDIA’s official website. Ready to initiate your application? Click Here to Apply!

Seize this chance to drive change with the MDIA AI Applied Grant 2023! Let innovation be your guiding light.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – MDIA AI Applied Grant 2023 Q: What is the application deadline for the grant?

A: The application deadline for the AI Applied Research Grant is September 30, 2023.

Q: How much funding is available for individual projects?

A: Individual projects can secure funding of up to €40,000 from the grant.

Q: Are there specific project categories that the grant aims to support?

A: Yes, the grant gives preference to projects outlined in the Malta AI Strategy, encompassing AI applications in fields such as traffic management, education, healthcare, customer service, tourism, and utilities.

Q: How will the proposals be evaluated?

A: While specific evaluation details are likely provided on MDIA’s official website, priority will be given to credible proposals aligning with the objectives and actions outlined in the Malta AI Strategy.

Q: What are the eligibility criteria?

A: Applicants involved in illegal economic activities or lacking substantial economic and physical presence within Malta are ineligible for the grant.

Q: How can I submit a grant application?

A: To submit a grant application, visit MDIA’s official website and follow the provided application guidelines. Here is the application link.

Q: Can multiple institutions collaborate on a single project proposal?

A: Collaboration is encouraged, especially between research institutions and entities with significant public ownership. For specifics on joint applications, consult MDIA’s official website or directly contact them.

Click Here to Apply