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Don’t Skip Puberty Stage: Grow Properly to Be Successful as a Startup

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Don’t Skip Puberty Stage: Grow Properly to Be Successful as a Startup

“It’s better to cry in your infant age than to cry in your grown-up age.” These words by Mo Shafi’I hold a profound truth when it comes to the world of startups. In the fast-paced, competitive landscape of entrepreneurship, it’s tempting to rush ahead, but skipping the crucial puberty stage can be detrimental to your startup’s success. Just like a child learns to crawl before walking and running, your startup should follow a natural growth trajectory. Here’s why it’s essential to embrace and nurture your startup’s puberty stage:

1. Learning and Experimentation

The infancy of a startup is a time of exploration and learning. It’s when you stumble, fall, and get back up again. This stage is where you refine your business model, test your assumptions, and gain valuable insights. Just as infants learn to coordinate their movements and explore their surroundings, your startup must learn to navigate the market terrain. Embrace this learning phase and don’t rush through it.

2. Finding Your Niche

During puberty, startups discover their niche market. Trying to be everything to everyone is a recipe for failure. By focusing on a specific niche, you can tailor your products or services to meet the unique needs of that market. This approach allows you to establish a stronger presence and build a loyal customer base.

3. Customer Segmentation

In your startup’s puberty stage, you’ll learn that not everyone is your customer. Understanding your target audience, how to segment them, and how to acquire them cost-effectively becomes crucial. This knowledge helps you not only attract customers but also retain them. Building strong, lasting customer relationships is a foundation for long-term success.

4. Funding Fit

While funding is essential for startups, understanding your “funding fit” is equally vital. Rushing to secure funding without a clear plan can lead to misallocation of resources and eventual failure. During the puberty stage, you’ll gain insights into how much funding you need, where it should come from, and when it’s required. A sustainable funding strategy is your startup’s life jacket.

5. Resilience and Operating Model

The challenges faced during the puberty stage help your startup develop resilience. Just as children learn to get back up after falling, startups must adapt, iterate, and refine their operating models. This resilience is invaluable as it prepares your business to weather future storms and uncertainties.

There is no punctuality in a competitive market because you are in a competitive market doesn’t mean you are in a race. The value of your products or services determines your position in a competitive market.

Mo Shafi’i


Mo Shafi’I’s advice to not skip the puberty stage is a reminder that success in the startup world is not about speed, but about sustainable growth and learning. The competitive market rewards those who serve their customers best, not those who rush to the finish line. So, take your time to nurture your startup, make mistakes, learn from them, and grow steadily. Embrace the challenges of the puberty stage, and you’ll be better equipped to run when the time is right. Remember, it’s better to crawl, walk, and fall in your infancy than to stumble and cry when you’re expected to run the marathon of entrepreneurship.

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