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How Broke Are You?

How broke are you
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How Broke Are You?

Exactly 2016, I was on my 7 hectares farm at Akure Airport with our farm manager and workers to prevent armyworms.

Plugged into my ears were some high sound blasting earphones in the hot sun, putting my mind into wealth engineering mode when

Something hit me!!!

__________a little digression

One of the first lessons I had from my father and mentor years ago, is that;

“every human being who wants to gain financial freedom must first identify where they are on the ladder of wealth”

That you have a million Naira today, doesn’t mean you are not poor. I remember in 2014, several Individuals who got grants up to #10 million to do business, but are more than broke today, yet with nothing to show for it.

So when I ask how broke are you, I didn’t mean how much cashless or moneyless are you?

I meant what level of destitution is manifested on the core side of your life?

As of that period my mentor taught me, I didn’t have a full understanding of the fact that a man fighting poverty or trying to come out of poverty, and a man building wealth are not the same.

In actual fact, the way they think, act, work are always different from each other and as such, their results are also always different from each other. When I see how you think, work and act, I can literally prophesy the future you can attain. Because by their seeds and fruits, we shall know them…

However, of more importance to my line of thoughts tonight is the Ladder of wealth itself which he taught me about.

I remember that on a scale of 7 on the ladder wealth, Holy Spirit is the Highest, the number one you should have. I won’t focus on that tonight because I wrote a bit on the spiritual side of business yesterday, how ever on that scale of wealth.

I was taught that RELATIONSHIP resides at the top

And so my mentor taught me… “Always do an audit of your relationships”


________back to our line of thought

And so, something hit me from within

I heard it from the man speaking…

” If you’re in trouble today and you can’t pick your phone and raise #10m at the spot without you begging, and they’ll trust you to return, Your Networth is Poor”

Trust me, I thought I “mis-heard”, I dropped the Knapsack and rewound the teaching about 4 times

The exercise was simple, and I’ll ask you my reader to do thesame.

Check your phone book,

how many people can trust you with their money to quickly put in your business?

How many people have you become weighty in their hands that they can’t deny you investment or help in times of need?

How many people will go from pillar to post because you are the one who called?

It hit me hard.

Because though I had a good network, i had social capital, but I was sorrounded with over 50% of broke people.

People who are the ones depending on me, people who want my pity not my realistic demands of their substance to create wealth with, for all of us.

At that point I knew I also was heading towards a life of continuous ‘brokeness”

Whether the man was a motivational speaker and he mentioned #10million, wasn’t my concern.

In fact I didn’t take an offence like some ignoramus would have said, “why could he say that, didn’t he know all fingers are not equal?”

Listen, that’s why you’re broke!!! I repeat, that’s why you’re broke.

I know where you’re going to by the midset you carry and believe me, I also know your network can’t be better than the mindsert you carry.

When you see a broke man, his midset is his greatest enemy.

Simply because that same mindset won’t make him to things or move towards areas where he’ll get into the right Network.

Listen and listen well, your Association determines what you can attain.

Let me also get into this other dimension…

Not all relationships will benefit monetarily, but you need to understand the power or human relations and locations accross the surface of the Earth.

I was happy to see that just announcing towards my birthday, opportunities for Investment, I had close to $2000 raised within 2 weeks

It may be small, but it’s a proof.

So let me ask you…
There are 36 states in Nigeria, how many of these states do you have individuals who can move mountains on your behalf?

I say this often, I know the level of greatness you’re going to, by the way you save contacts on your phone.

what details do you get?
Did you place them in ways whereby it’s easy to sort by state and by Country?

If you’ll ever build great things, you’ll need men.

What kind of men are in your Circle, assets or liabilities?

You as a person, how many people are you an asset to?

How many are you liabilities to?

How rich is your circle?

A broke man isn’t the man without money.

It’s a man without a wealthy mindset, and to make it worse, it’s a man without a Wealthy Circle (whether in mind or in pocket)

Put the ratio beside each other on a scale of hundred…

Which one outweighs the other in the circle?

How rich are you? Sorry,


In case it dawned on you that you need Training and mentoring to not be in the Broke Circle

I’m Olatunde Victor Adeoluwa

Founder SalesPlat

You can reach out

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