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The Realities of Entrepreneurship: A Journey of Dedication and Commitment

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The Journey of Entrepreneurship

I read this and I had mixed feelings

Mixed feelings because all that Subomi Plumptre wrote here is real and true

Also because many are not told the anxiety that comes with building a company or having multiple companies

When I wrote on facebook the other day about what people think entrepreneurs should do when they are at their low moments of funds… whether take a job or do a side hustle… it’s because I’ve seen so many DMs from persons literally struggling to make ends meet as business owners

I didn’t take a dime in salary at Extramileafrica for 4 and a half years… didn’t even get up to 500,000 in cash and kind all through those years…

I rather invest my extra money in there in various ways… this is a brand we got over $150,000 in grants…

I didn’t take a dime in salary from SalesPlat since 2020, until Last year December

Your guess is as good as mine on The Growth Hub – the physical hub is taking millions but can’t pay me yet

Entrepreneurship is a game of delayed gratification… less of immediate profiteering and is not honestly for anyone

Many of my friends who earned north of $2 – 4,000 or much more as employees… have not been able to earn close to that in their own companies

Yes, like Subomi mentioned here… I’ve got lots of equity, and brands being built to be valuable and worth it… but then … it’s a long path to getting back

The Anxiety of Entrepreneurship

One aspect that struck me is the anxiety associated with building and managing a business. It’s not something many people talk about openly. The pressure to succeed, the fear of failure, and the constant decision-making can take a toll on an entrepreneur’s mental and emotional well-being.

In a previous post, I discussed the dilemma many entrepreneurs face during low moments of funding – whether to take a job or pursue a side hustle. The reason behind this discussion is the flood of messages I receive from individuals who are genuinely struggling to make ends meet while running their businesses. These are real struggles that often go unnoticed.

The Sacrifices

I can personally relate to the sacrifices Subomi talks about. I didn’t take a salary from Extramileafrica for four and a half years, and my income barely reached 500,000 in cash and kind during those years. Instead, I reinvested my extra money into the business, which eventually earned us over $150,000 in grants. This dedication and delayed gratification are inherent in the entrepreneurial journey.

The story is similar with SalesPlat, where I didn’t draw a salary from 2020 until December of last year. And as for The Growth Hub, despite its substantial revenue, I’m yet to receive payment. Entrepreneurship is a long game, where immediate profits are rare, and the rewards often come much later.

The Harsh Realities

Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, and it’s certainly not a path for the comfort-seeking or those who prioritize immediate lifestyle luxuries. While I have gained equity and built valuable brands, the road to reaping the rewards has been a challenging one. It’s a journey that requires immense dedication and commitment.

A Call to Action

This post is not a rant or a plea for pity; it’s a candid reflection on the realities of entrepreneurship. If you’re considering this path, it’s vital to understand that it’s not all glitz and glamour. It’s a journey of dedication, commitment, and delayed gratification. If you’re ready to embrace the struggles and challenges, you’re on the right track.

However, if you value your mental health, crave immediate comfort, or prioritize a luxurious lifestyle, entrepreneurship may not be the right choice unless you’ve saved enough to sustain that lifestyle during the early, challenging phases.

So listen…
If you don’t have the heart to take struggles… don’t venture into this path

If mental health Is of very very high importance to you… honestly, you’ll find it hard on this journey

If comfort is your first name, and having a great lifestyle is your go-to-mood… this path should not be your consideration except you’ve saved a lot of money that can sustain that lifestyle

Ours is a walk of dedication and commitment

That’s how we live and make things happen for people, employees and more

In the end, ours is a walk of dedication and commitment, a path where we make things happen for ourselves, our employees, and the world. It’s the journey, the process, and the fulfillment of building something worthwhile that keeps us going.

This isn’t a rant or pity post

It’s simply one to tell you how the journey truly is

Let’s all keep winning

#Olatunde Victor Adeoluwa

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