Unleashing the Global Potential: Why Nigerian Entrepreneurs Must Think Beyond Borders. Netflix Vs IROKOTV

In today’s interconnected world, the boundaries of business are no longer confined to local markets. Nigerian entrepreneurs are well-versed in their domestic landscape, but the time has come for them to think globally and expand the scope of their businesses. This shift is not just an opportunity; it’s a necessity. By galvanizing a global audience with a unique value proposition and harnessing the power of social media, entrepreneurs can achieve unprecedented success on a global scale. This article explores the imperative for Nigerian entrepreneurs to think globally, using the case study of iROKOtv’s localized approach versus Netflix’s global strategy.
Breaking the Confinements
Historically, many Nigerian startups and businesses have focused on the local market due to various challenges, including infrastructural limitations, regulatory complexities, and the perceived comfort of catering to a familiar audience. However, this approach often restricts growth and limits the potential for scaling. Nigerian entrepreneurs must recognize that the world is now a global village, interconnected through technology and accessible markets.
Galvanizing a Global Audience
To thrive globally, Nigerian entrepreneurs must offer products and services that resonate with a diverse international audience. A unique value proposition tailored to global tastes and needs is essential. This means understanding cultural nuances, market preferences, and adapting offerings accordingly. By infusing their products or services with a global perspective, entrepreneurs can attract a broader consumer base.
Leveraging the Power of Social Media
Social media is an unparalleled tool for reaching a global audience. It provides a platform for businesses to showcase their unique offerings and engage directly with potential customers from different corners of the world. Nigerian entrepreneurs can leverage social media to create brand awareness, foster community engagement, and even gather valuable insights into global market trends.
Nigerian entrepreneurs must start to think globally and expand the scope of their businesses. Don’t confine your solutions. Galvanize the global audience with a unique value proposition and leverage the power of social media, to find your market fit in a global village.
Mo Shafi’i
Learning from Case Studies: iROKOtv vs. Netflix
The success stories of iROKOtv and Netflix offer valuable lessons for Nigerian entrepreneurs. iROKOtv initially focused solely on the Nigerian market, catering to local movie preferences. While this approach garnered success within Nigeria, it lacked the scalability and global presence that could have propelled the company to greater heights.
In contrast, Netflix embarked on a global journey, providing content that transcended borders and languages. By offering a wide array of films and series that appealed to a global audience, Netflix capitalized on the power of localization, providing content in multiple languages and adapting to various cultures. This approach propelled Netflix to international fame, showcasing the potential of thinking globally.
Seizing the Opportunity
Nigerian entrepreneurs must take inspiration from these case studies and recognize that the limitations of the past no longer apply. Embracing technology, understanding cultural dynamics, and harnessing social media can enable them to navigate the global landscape successfully.
In a world that is increasingly interconnected, Nigerian entrepreneurs have a unique opportunity to break free from the confinements of the local market and tap into the vast potential of the global stage. By galvanizing a global audience with a unique value proposition, leveraging the power of social media, and learning from the successes of global giants like Netflix, Nigerian entrepreneurs can transcend borders and propel their businesses to unprecedented heights. The time has come for them to think globally, expand their horizons, and thrive in the global village of the 21st century.

Product Lead, Logistics & e-commerce Expert, Business Strategist, Software Analyst, Sharing Economy Advocate, and Global Citizen. iDesign iDevelop iManage iStrategize iBuild iAdvocate iLead iRead iWrite.